What is Organic Food? The Exact Guide

Michael Madsen
2 min readOct 17, 2020

Some people find organic foods delicious, but not as delicious as other foods such as fruits and vegetables. In addition, studies have shown that organically produced plants have a higher content of vitamins and minerals than non-organic plants and contain fewer pesticides.

Organic farming generally dispenses with the use of conventional pesticides and fertilizers. As a result, organic fruit, vegetables, and cereals have much lower pesticide content. Organic food is also more labor-intensive because farmers do not use synthetic pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers, or medicines.

Few chemicals are allowed in organic food production and, although conventional farmers may also use pesticides to some extent, their use is limited. Although organic food you eat comes from farms that use little or no pesticides, you should be aware that not using pesticides does not mean that your food is free of harmful substances.

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Organic food production has potential dangers from the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other health problems.

The regulations for organic food and organic products are based on the National List of Permitted and Prohibited Substances, the list of all USDA-certified organic products. Food that has been irradiated is labeled organic by the USDA, regardless of how it was grown or produced.

Properly grown and processed organic food is not necessarily free of pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals such as herbicides and fertilizers. All food with the organic seal is grown, controlled, processed, and certified as organic according to the US Department of Agriculture.

Eating organic food increases the quality of food and the health benefits of its ingredients. Part of these concerns public concern about pesticides and part of it is related to environmental issues, such as water quality and the use of pesticides.

While organic farmers are extolling the environmental benefits of food produced without pesticides, the greenhouse gases emitted by shipping are one of the biggest environmental problems of organic food. The huge fuel consumption for the transport of food can undermine any ecological benefits from organic farming. Traditionally, organic food is available in specialized Russian store.

In the US, even sustainability experts remain skeptical that the vast majority of certified organic food in America is actually organic. Organic food has health benefits at all compared to conventionally grown food.

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The health benefits of consuming organic food are therefore based on the fact that it is pesticide-free and less susceptible to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Genetically modified organisms and other non-organic organisms are also not allowed to grow and process organic food. Therefore, organic food is preferable for better overall health.

Artificial colorings and sweeteners are completely banned in foods labeled organic and artificial, flavourings and other additives such as preservatives and additives are banned from processed organic food.

